Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Natalie Tong bashes 'Master of Play' being too serious

Yesterday Natalie Tong, Louis Yuen, Jason Chan, Ruco Chan and the rest of the cast of TVB new series No Good Either Way took part in the promotional event. Natalie expressed a few days ago when she was shooting for Detective Columbo, she was running a fever and barely got through the action scene, she said: "I had a scene where I was constantly screaming and fighting. I got some bruises on my arms and legs and didn't expect after a few days, I would lose my voice too! Initially I was going to just go to work anyway despite being sick, but the director heard my hoarse voice, so he told me to go home to rest." Although Natalie's sick, she still insisted on wearing 5 inch heels to play the balance beam game. However, she had a slight 'career line' cleavage during the game due to her dress sliding down. She almost exposed herself.

Asked if she has confidence on her new series replacing House of Harmony and Vengeance? Natalie said: "I have confidence! We have 'housewife killer' Ruco Chan and fan-attracting Jason Chan in the series. Also, Master of Play is such a serious drama, [our series] No Good Either Way is very light-hearted. There's a balance!"

Yesterday morning TVB broadcast Euro 2012: Holland vs Denmark. Before the game started, TVB host Nat Chan and nowTV host Hacken Lee had a conversation over the air and TVB generously allowed the clip to broadcast on their channel. However, aside from Hacken, no other nowTV hosts spoke. That morning, Louis was also live at the scene, he expressed yesterday at the promotion: "This never happened before! It's pretty good that both TVB and nowTV can collaborate for the first time, it's a good start. News Media should work hand-in-hand to conduct a MTV awards ceremony, that would be more representative and credible."

For the new series, Louis sings the theme song with Ruco Chan and Q Bobo, he expressed the NG clips will be uploaded online to share with audience.


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