Monday, March 19, 2012

Xiao Zhen ends her eight-year marriage

Taiwanese actress Xiao Zhen's husband Li Jin Liang, a famous plastic surgeon in Taiwan, was caught cheating on his wife a total of 13 times. He had always claimed that he was merely socialising.
Last Thursday, the surgeon was once again photographed going to three different night clubs with a tattooed girl named Alison, a blonde and other friends. After the incident, Li defended himself, claiming that "those were just socialising activities that every Taiwanese man goes through".

Although Li was spotted by the paparazzi many times, his father-in-law Taiwanese veteran host Hu Gua had continuously show his support, and Xiao Zhen would forgive her husband without qualms.
Yesterday, at the recording of Taiwanese variety show The Diamond Club, Xiao Zhen was on the verge of tears, when she said, "I don't have the ability to keep this man by my side. I'll choose to let go when the time comes."

The media probed if the actress referred to getting a divorce. She hesitated before replying, "I'm still considering."

Xiao Zhen expressed that she could no longer tolerate her husband's ways and explanations, and had already discussed the issue with her father and he had given her his full support. She added that she had not sat down and talked to her husband, and would not consider a separation yet, because she is unwilling to let go of their eight-year relationship.

The actress said that she needed more time to think through her decisions because of her daughter.
The media asked if Li could save their marriage, should he vow not to make the same mistakes again.
Xiao Zhen coldly replied, "He can't even promise the media [he wouldn't do it again]. This is the boiling point. It's difficult to fix something that's broken."

The media tried to contact Hu Gua yesterday, but to no avail. Li was also unreachable. In a previous TV interview, Li had hoped to have a good talk with Xiao Zhen after she calms down.


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