Thursday, September 6, 2012

Raymond Lam used to rumors: Think of as Promotions

Yesterday Raymond Lam, Joey Yung, Vincy Chan, Sherman Chung and Adason Lo attended a press conference and announced they will be holding a concert in Macau on October 1st. Earlier Raymond was spotted at the supermarket and coincidentally met ShuQi there, but at the time he was frightened and quickly left, Raymond explained it's not because he thought she was 'young ShuQi' Mavis Pan: "I didn't see ShuQi that day. It was only when reporters mentioned it that I found out."

Also, he expressed he has to start promoting for his new series Highs and Lows, but the series hasn't aired yet and there are already so many rumors flying around. He smiled and said it's helping with the series promotions: "I'm used to the rumors, just think of it as promotion." Joey expressed she hopes to duet with Raymond at the concert, but joked if there was a hot dance with him as well, it would be even better.

Sherman was asked of how she sees the National's Education system? She said: "Each individual has their own perspectives. I hope there will be more communication between the government and the citizens. Vincy said: "I hope they all just talk about it. The students' strike is just to express their views. I hope this issue is resolved as soon as possible." As students are still on the hunger strike, Joey hopes they look after their health and does not hope to see them trying solve problems through a strike.


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